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Freddie is a freelance videographer, editor and colourist and a published photographer. Her work documents cultures and lifestyles of communities in obscure and often underground locations, focusing on representation and uncensored storytelling through image. She also incorporates graphic design and treatment editing.  
A First-Class Honours graduate from The Cass School of Art, Architecture and Design, she was awarded the Chris Rowley prize for her third-year documentary; an exploration of the Nomadic music of Southern Morocco and the Sahara Desert. Her more recent work with the collective They Came Before Us was part of an exhibition reimagining the untold stories of five prominent BAME British women. She has also been part of the short film Breaking the Sun for BBC New Creatives in collaboration with the ICA.
Her content seeks to impart artistic and educational experiences, encouraging cross-cultural awareness and a greater understanding of the world we live in and the incredible people and stories that build it. 
She is open to freelance work opportunities and collaborations.



2019 - 'They Came Before Us'


Exhibition reimagining the untold stories of 5 prominent BAME British women through the lens of 50 BAME British female creatives.

(Video piece, editor)




2017 - The Cass School of Art, Architecture and Design, 2017 June Degree Show.


Collaboration with the Nomadic people of Southern Morocco’s Sahara Desert, using ethnomusicology to study music as a universal language. Filmed on a Canon 500D with external microphone and edited with Adobe Premiere Pro and Audition. 




2016 - ‘Heroes and Cons’ (uni show), The Castle, Commercial road.


Digital series documenting the Central House Occupation.




2016 - Croatian exchange exhibition, The Bank Gallery, Whitechapel.


Series of analogue double exposures using experimental darkroom techniques, exploring issues of gentrification in Zagreb.




2016 - [        ] GMK Gallery, Zagreb, Croatia.


Multi-sensory installation using 20 buckets of rubble, glass and dust taken from nearby ruins which represented the abandonment of important historical buildings and the gentrification of the city; responding to urban environments, gentrification and industrial cultural heritage. 




2016 - ‘Other/ness’ (uni show), The Bank Gallery, Whitechapel.


Through the Letterbox; the full series displayed as three A1 format, portrait prints, each displaying eighteen portraits taken through the letterbox during the eight-day Central House Occupation.




2012 - Sony Photomonth Youth photography award, Truman Old Brewery & Rich Mix, London.


One of five finalists, digital colour images exhibited at the two venues. 




2011 - ‘For the Arts Sake’ Visual Protest, Ten Gales Gallery, Bethnal Green.


Series of black and white digital prints documenting school and university students protesting recent Tory cuts to EMA (Educational Maintenance Allowance) and rise in University Fees.




Awarded the Chris Rowley prize for third-year film. 


Volunteered with the Royal Anthropological Institute (RAI) in the running of their biennial film festival. 





Volunteered in a Berber camp in Morocco as a photographer.


Work published in the book celebrating ten years of the Zagreb exchange, along with collaborators and alumni.   


Umbribable Life II: Art and Activism in Former Yugoslavia and the UK | Nottingham Contemporary live-streamed conference. Spoke on behalf of the former collective Occupy the Cass

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